August Gardening Tips
Posted: August 01, 2016
Tip #1
Avoid burying surface roots of mature trees.
Solution #1
Burying tree roots can kill most tree species. Instead, add two to three inches of mulch around the tree canopy or plant a perennial ground cover, as they will not out-compete the tree for nutrients and adds an aesthetic look to your yard.
Pachysandra Ground Cover
Tip #2
Plant Autumn Crocus to add a “wow” factor to your garden.
Solution #2
Try mixing the Autumn Crocus bulbs with existing perennials and ground covers. By planting them within a Vinca ground cover it can double the bloom time of just spring flowers to now having blooms in the fall in an area that would have just been foliage.
Autumn Crocus Planted in Vinca Minor Ground Cover
Tip #3
Harvest Cucumbers based on their use.
Solution #3
Sweet pickles should be harvested when they are 1 ½ - 2 ½ inches long.
Dill pickles should be harvested when they are 3-4 inches long.
Slicing cucumbers should be harvested when they are 6-9 inches long.